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CliMond: global climatologies for bioclimatic modelling

CliMond is the product of an informal collaboration between bioclimatic modellers and climate data custodians. We modellers have experienced the frustration of having to transform or reformat climatological data so that it can be used in our projects. We aim to provide you with useful data for bioclimatic modelling, saving you the frustration of repeating our work.

Current Projects

  • Making error surfaces available to guide modellers on underlying data reliability.
  • Recalculating the 1975H dataset using temperature variables from the CRU CL2.0 dataset. The CRU dataset utilises more station records.
  • Developing tools to improve our understanding of model extrapolation.

Future Projects

  • Including scenarios from the IPCC fifth assessment report modelling (AR5), including a broader set of GCM’s.
  • Extending the list of Bioclim variables in the Bioclim Registry.